Weekly Greeting: June 21

Summer Greetings Parish!

In his reflection called “Influence,” Joseph Norris observes, “Drop a pebble in the water, and its ripples reach out far; and the sunbeam dancing on them may reflect them to a star. Give a smile to someone passing, thereby making his morning glad; it may greet you in the evening when your own heart may be sad. Do a deed of simple kindness; though its end you may not see. it may reach, like widening ripples, down a long eternity.”
Parents–fathers, mothers, guardians, nurturers–influence the lives of others. What an awesome responsibility and opportunity! In truth, all of us influence others, for good or for ill. What an awesome responsibility and opportunity! As we have been blessed, let’s do what we can to pay it forward…
At 10 am tomorrow, I invite you to join us for our weekly online worship service (live-stream on the church facebook page/then posted to the church website). At 2 pm, I invite you to join us for our weekly Coffee Fellowship Chat (zoom invitation in follow-up email). I have attached copies of tomorrow’s Order of Service and last Sunday’s message. July/August issues of The Upper Room are available for pick-up. Please respond to the weekly greeting email with any prayer requests you may have. Prayer draws us together even when a pandemic keeps us apart.

May your Father’s Sunday be blessed even as we bless with the love of Christ,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMC of Auburn