Good afternoon parish,
May the grace of God bless you during these days of midsummer. If you haven’t yet joined us for our weekly drive-in service (Sunday, 10 am), I encourage you to give it a try. We broadcast the service to the parking lot on radio (88.3 fm) and continue to offer a simultaneous live-stream on the church facebook page. It also posts to our website at for later viewing. If you are physically at the drive-in service and choose to access the service by facebook live, please use your own data rather than the church internet service, because multiple access slows or prevents the live-stream from broadcasting.
I have attached the worship guide for this Sunday’s service (8/2), as well as the message from last Sunday’s service. We will not be sharing communion this Sunday since the Celebration Cups needed for use have not yet arrived. We will offer communion on the first Sunday of
September. Following this email, I will send a zoom invitation link for any who wish to join us for Sunday’s 2 pm Coffee Fellowship Chat. It is a great way to catch up with fellow parishioners!
I will be on vacation from August 3rd to the 19th, but can be reached if emergencies arise. Since I will be away, the coffee fellowship zoom chat will not take place on 8/9 or 16. Larry Jordan will be preaching on 8/9 and Russ Peppe on 8/16. Church Council will not meet in August, but will meet on September 3rd. Calvary UMC in Lewiston will be utilizing our parking lot on Sunday, August 30th for a Drive-in service at 4 pm–another way we can help our brothers and sisters in the Connection!
Please keep 11-year-old Calee in prayer (Pat Titus’ partner’s grand-daughter) who is sustaining surgery in Boston for removal of a tumor in her heart. Also, please keep Richard Paine and Lois Beechum in your prayers. Stan and Marilyn Rice have a Lazy Boy chair in good condition and a treadmill available (free) for anyone who is willing to pick them up from their home (207) 577-5507.
As we welcome August, I encourage you to walk some evening among the lightning bugs!
Much joy,
Pastor Steve Bascom