Weekly Greeting: Oct 16 & Mission Opportunities

Good afternoon parish,
Our 10 am drive-in service will continue for two more weeks before moving inside to the sanctuary (with CDC protocols) on All Saints’ Sunday, November 1st. The only difference for the online service will be that it will livestream from the sanctuary beginning November 1st (rather than from the parking lot).
This Sunday, we will report on the work of the New England Annual Conference (session scheduled for 10/17) and observe how Jesus de-escalated a volatile situation simply be re-framing the conversation. It is a strategy which restores peace to anxious hearts. As we embrace peace, we also distinguish what belongs to the state and what belongs to God in our offerings and worship journey. The 8:15 am ‘in person’ service will gather in the sanctuary, and the 10 am service will livestream on the church facebook page (then post to the website at www.auburnmethodist,org) and broadcast on radio for the drive-in parking lot congregation. I have attached an update on Mission Opportunities. I will follow the weekly greeting email with a zoom invitation link for those who wish to join our Sunday, 2 pm Coffee Fellowship Chat.
Faith Journey is meeting once again, in person, in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesdays at 9 am. It is open to all women of the church and community.
May your weekend be blessed with joy and grace,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMC of Auburn


October food collection for High Street Food Pantry (cart in UMCA parking lot entrance,   M-F, mornings, w/secure monetary donation box).

Winter coats, hats, mittens, scarves for Center of Women’s Wisdom & Trinity Jubilee Center, Tuesdays, UMCA parking lot entrance).

Thanksgiving Baskets, families will receive $40 Hannaford gift cards. If donating by check, please write: UMC of Auburn (memo: Thanksgiving Baskets/needed by 11/16).

Giving Tree Christmas Program, each child will receive $40-50.00/families will be given a Walmart gift card for each child for the purchase of gifts. If you donate by gift card, please indicate the amount on the card (needed by 12/7). In 2019: 165 kids, 12 and under, received gifts through this program. Check donations: UMC of Auburn (memo: Giving Tree).