Greetings Parish,
What a glorious day it is outside! I’ll be out raking after the Eagle Scout Court of Honor this afternoon. Last night when I was raking, a neighbor stopped to ask if she could jump into the pile of leaves which looked inviting. I know there is stress on both sides of the political aisle concerning the election results, but patience will pay off (and perhaps, jumping in a pile of autumn leaves). We trust the election cycle to God’s grace, even as we pray for our global family as the coronavirus statistics escalate. Remember, “He’s got the whole world in his hands…”
Tomorrow morning, we will gather for ‘in person’ worship with those who feel confident to attend with the risk management protocols we have put in place (8:15 and 10 am), and the Facebook live-stream will broadcast at 10 am, with later post to our website at We will focus on the liturgical reading from Joshua (“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”), keeping our hearts fixed on God and the grace God offers. I have attached a copy of last week’s message, mission giving opportunities, risk management protocols, and the worship guide for tomorrow’s services. For those who wish to print them out, I have also attached several documents which pertain to our annual church conference. SPRC will meet at 1 pm with our DS Karen Munson, and all are invited to the church conference at 2 pm, via zoom. An invitation link will be sent out following this email. I encourage you to log on five minutes early. You will be held in a zoom ‘waiting room’ until the conference starts.
I leave you with a quotation by Agnes Repplier for meditation: “It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.”
May God’s grace, happiness and joy bless your day,
Pastor Steve Bascom
Weekly Greeting Nov 6