COVID-19 Precautions for 8:15 am and 10:00am Worship Service

With colder temperatures, the UMCA Church Council has made arrangements for in-person worship at 8:15 and 10 am, beginning Sunday, November 1st, 2020.  The 10 am livestream will continue to broadcast from the sanctuary on the church Facebook page, with subsequent post to the website, There is no way to make in-person worship risk-free, but we trust that our CDC-guided protocols will minimize risk. After reading this summary, we hope that you will discern when the time is right for you to return to in-person worship. Please know that we miss you and hold you in our prayers.   If you plan to attend, please review the following changes and be prepared to put them into practice.

~ A fogging device will be used to sterilize the sanctuary between services.

~ Only the entrance near the parking lot will be available. A parking lot greeter will manage the flow of those entering with an eye for social distancing.

~ The temperature of all worshipers will be measured with a digital thermometer upon entering the building. Those with a reading under 100.4 degrees F (38 C) will be admitted.

~ Face coverings will be required for all adults and youth.

~ Hand sanitizer will be available near the entrance to remove hand contaminants before accessing materials.

~ Restrooms will be available for one person at a time.

~ Worshipers will maintain a 6’ distance from each other in all areas of the campus.

~ There will be no coffee fellowship.  Conversations and socializing will occur outside.


~ In order to maintain 6’ distancing in the sanctuary, worshipers will find seating at designated locations.  Shared household groups may sit together in one location. Maximum attendance will not exceed protocol capacity. If overflow is needed, future arrangements will be made to provide it in the Fellowship Hall.

~ Pew seating pads, hymnals, Bibles, etc. have been removed to avoid contamination and facilitate sanitizing. Printed worship guides and communion celebration cups will be available for pick-up at an entrance table which also holds an offering plate for contributions.

~ Although there will be no congregational singing, music will be provided instrumentally.  Humming is a safe option. One designated soloist (with microphone and face-shield) will sing the lyric from the back of the choir-loft, perpendicular to the congregation. Chancel doors will be open for ventilation during (and between) services (dress warmly).

~ Pastor Steve and worship leaders will wear face-shields.

Updated 10/31/20