Greetings all,
I am running a bit late with my Weekly Greeting this week, so it will be a Dragnet version (nothing but the facts). Assuming at least Len and I will be able to gather for worship service tomorrow, our focus will be advent preparation rooted in the call of John the Baptist. In person worship is scheduled for 8:15 and 10 am, with 10 am livestream on the church facebook page. I have attached the Worship Guide, a copy of last week’s message and an update on mission opportunities. I sent a zoom invitation link earlier this week for any who wish to join us tomorrow (Sunday) at 2 pm for an advent devotional and candle lighting.
We gathered at Finley Funeral Home in Livermore Falls today to honor Stan Rice’s life and commend him to God’s care. Please hold his family in prayer this week.
The Scouts will not be selling wreaths this year, but will be collecting Christmas trees for discarding on Saturday, January 9th. Contributions for that project may be sent to the church office at 439 Park Avenue, Auburn, ME 04210.
Many thanks,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA