Weekly Greeting: Jan 16

Good afternoon parish,

It is with joy that I greet you with the grace of Jesus! Sir Harry Lauder, Scottish comedian-songster from the early 1900s, once opined, “I could tell where the lamplighter was by the trail he left behind him.” Jesus phrased it like this: “Let your light so shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
As we consider our own legacy during this inaugural week, we do well to ask, “How bright is the trail which documents my journey and legacy?” Have others glorified God because of what they have seen in or because of me? Does the sermon I preach match the way that I live and interact with others? There is, in fact, a part of the Kingdom of God which each of us is called to construct. No one else will build it quite like we can.

We can dodge the call, I suppose. Jonah tried to do that, though God proved quite persuasive in the end. Will we meet God at the intersection of ‘call,’ where the needs of the world match the gifts we have to offer? Are we uniquely appointed for such a time as this?

This will be our theme for tomorrow’s worship services (8:30 am zoom & 10 am livestream on You Tube, Facebook and website, www.auburnmethodist.org, also broadcast to UMCA parking lot on 88.3 fm). I have attached a Worship Guide for the services, a copy of last week’s message, and an update of Mission Opportunities promoted at this time. The zoom invitation link for the 8:30 am service will follow in a separate email, but is also available on our website. I will also send a zoom invitation link for those who wish to join us on Sunday at 2 pm for our weekly coffee fellowship chat. UMW Sunday, which was originally scheduled for tomorrow, has been postponed until later this year. The church office will be closed Monday for MLK, Jr Day.

Plans are underway for offering a mini ‘Christmas in July’ Fair this summer, so I encourage you to make crafts, etc., or to save appropriate items for the white elephant sale. Many thanks! Direct questions to: Cherie Downing.
I am deeply grateful to Len and Amanda Lednum for generously donating computers and AV equipment to the church to sustain our online worship presence. Len helped bring me up to speed with a training session this morning. I am looking for 4-5 parishioners who are willing to be trained in the use of the broadcast equipment for times when Len may not be available to assist. If you feel God is calling you to help in this way, please let me know and we will coordinate training.

I am also grateful to Mary MacMahon (online church school, Sundays, 11:30 am, zoom), Kay Little (online adult class, Wednesdays, 10 am, zoom) and Cherie Poole/Kary Coffin (online youth group). Thank you also, to the Therriault family and Wanda Sprague for decorating and undecorating the church chancel for the Christmas celebrations. Lucille Webber has been voted in as our new Church Council chair. We sure thank God for the gift she is! Our 2021 Investment in Ministry (Budget) plan has been adopted. I will email copies to chairs of committee, but am happy to do so for others upon request.

Coming up: ‘Memorials/Funerals in a time of Pandemic’ resource meeting via zoom for the Many Waters District, Sunday, 1/24 at 6 pm. Participation link on the District website. Also, UMCA Visioning Meeting, Thursday, 1/28, 6:30 pm, zoom.

In Christian Fellowship,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA