Good afternoon parish,
In Washington, D.C., there is a building with this inscription: “They build too low who build beneath the skies.” To me, this is a reminder that our earthbound agenda is of little account if we do not offer it to God in prayer, trusting that God will shape it with divine intent.
God wants to offer miracles of healing through us. Whatever the reason, God doesn’t choose to do it without us, and we dare not do it without God. We are partners in this God-sized vision adventure, inviting others to join us in a healing journey, in which lives are unburdened, alive and free! In our worship services tomorrow (8:30 am zoom & 10 am livestream with the Handbell Choir), we will recall God’s second call to Jonah (after he evaded the first one!) which resulted in the unburdening of an entire nation! Those who wish are also invited to join me for our weekly ‘Coffee Fellowship Chat,’ via zoom at 2 pm.
On Thursday, January 28th, 6:30 pm, I invite you to join me for an online (zoom) Visioning Meeting. I want to listen to your dreams for the future of our church and share with you a vision which I believe God has given us.
Other upcoming opportunities include: Planning Memorials in a Time of Pandemic – Best Practices, zoom, tonight at 6:30 pm (led by Pastor Steve and AJ Alexander) the zoom invitation may be found on the Many Waters District website.
Sunday School with Mary MacMahon, Sundays, 11:30 am, zoom (On February 7th, Bishop Devadhar, New England Conference, will be joining the class) Youth Group, zoom, Cherie Poole & Kary Coffin, contacts Wednesday Spiritual Formation Class (led by Kay Little), 10 am, zoom Lewiston/Auburn Men’s Fellowship, 2/6, 7:30 am, zoom Ash Wednesday Service, 2/17, 7 pm, zoom
Please hold in prayer Gloria Dooley (recovering from a fall), Debra Humason-Fulgham (recovering from surgery), Lindsay Fortin (transitions) and Donna Manson (coming home from the hospital today).
Plans are underway to hold a Fall Festival/Christmas Fair on Saturday, September 25th. Craft items, etc. will certainly be most welcome!
I have attached the Worship Guide for tomorrow’s services, a copy of last week’s message and an updated Mission Opportunities guide to the weekly greeting email. Thank you for your generous donations supporting the ministries of UMC of Auburn!
God’s grace be with you,
Pastor Steve Bascom