Weekly Greeting: Feb 27

Good afternoon all,

God’s grace be with you! Our worship services tomorrow will focus on Jesus’ teaching that we must take up our cross in order to follow in discipleship, ie by giving of ourselves, we find life in abundance and heal the world around us. Some burdens (or perhaps more accurately, responsibilities) are gifts that give purpose to our lives. The 8:30 am service will be broadcast via zoom (invitation link to follow) and the 10 am live-stream will be on the UMCA Facebook Page, You Tube and the website, www.auburnmethodist.org/broadcast on 88.3 FM to the church parking lot. I have attached the Worship Guide, Mission Opportunities and last Sunday’s message. The Missions Opportunities also has information on the annual Maple Syrup Mission Fundraiser, sponsored by the Irish’s. There will not be a coffee fellowship chat tomorrow on zoom.

The General Conference Session of the UMC (originally scheduled for May 2020 and then re-scheduled for August 2021) has been postponed once more to 8/29 – 9/6, 2022, Minneapolis, MN. A one-day virtual session will be held on May 8, 2021 to care for immediate business (to carry us to the 2022 session) to be confirmed by mail-in voting.

Please keep our youth in prayer as they gather at the Irish’s in Turner for sledding, s’mores and more tomorrow afternoon. Thank you Joel, Janet, Cherie and Kary for coordinating this! Our Men’s Fellowship Group will meet via zoom on Saturday, March 6th, 7:30 am.
Much joy to you all!

Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA