Holy Week and Easter Updates

Good afternoon parish,

May the road rise to meet you on this weekend before St. Patrick’s Day! God’s grace be yours in fullest measure. Last Sunday, as most of you are aware, we were unable to broadcast the live-stream at the time scheduled. The internet at the church was not functioning and data service in the sanctuary was insufficient for broadcast. We are sorry for the confusion and frustration you felt. Len Lednum, our wizard of technology, heroically tried to make it happen, but we finally had to record the worship service for later broadcast posting. If you haven’t seen it (March 7), it is available for viewing from our church facebook page.

Tomorrow, we will consider two biblical snapshots of healing (Numbers 21:4-9 & John 3:14-21) in light of current day challenges and opportunities. If we look to God for strength, we will not only endure the slings and arrows of misfortune, but we will thrive in the life for which God has created us! We can be the change we want to see in the world. I have attached copies of the Worship Guide, updated Mission Opportunities and last week’s message. Services tomorrow will be: 8:30 am zoom & 10 am live-stream (You Tube, website, UMCA facebook page/88.3 FM broadcast to church parking lot). REMEMBER to change your clocks tonight! For those who wish to join in, we will be gathering on zoom for our weekly coffee fellowship chat at 2 pm.

Tomorrow is UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) Sunday. Contributions support the administrative work of the relief agency so that 100% of all other donations can support the relief efforts for which they are designated. Often, when there is a disaster anyplace on the planet, two relief organizations are on the frontline of disaster response: Red Cross and UMCOR. Thank you for your support of this vital work.

Details on Holy Week & Easter:  

  • Palm/Passion Sunday Worship with Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar (New England Conference) preaching, 3/28 (8:30 am zoom & 10 am Live-stream)     
  • Palms may be picked up from the church side entrance on Saturday (3/27) or Sunday (3/28).  
  • Maundy Thursday Communion Service, 4/1, 7 pm, zoom  
  • Good Friday Worship – 4/2, 12 noon (in person/sanctuary) & 7 pm, zoom   Holy Saturday – 4/3 – Sanctuary will be open for prayer (9 am to 4 pm)  
  • Easter SonRise Service – 4/4, 6:15 am, in person, Keene’s at 775 N. River Road, Auburn, ME  
  • Easter Resurrection Services – 4/4, 8:30 am, zoom & 10 am (live-stream)

Currently, our plan is to transition the 10 am service to Drive-in Worship (w/live-stream broadcast) on May 2nd – September 5th, with both services (8:30 & 10 am) returning to ‘in person’ on 9/12. The schedule may be revised if safe gathering becomes possible sooner. I am delighted to hear that so many of you have received the vaccine already!

I leave you with an Irish blessing: May the roof above us never fall in. And may the friends gathered below it never fall out.
Much joy!

Pastor Steve Bascom