A practical tool for “Loving Your Neighbor”

We all know we are supposed to “love our neighbor” but that doesn’t help us when we are standing in line at the grocery store and see some kind of abuse happening.  Have you seen bullying or harassment in a public setting?   Do you see this behavior among acquaintances or family?  Do you know someone who is being abused?  In any of these situations, how can you react to stop the harmful behavior without endangering yourself or damaging personal relationships?  

Green Dot Bystander Intervention training gives us solutions that are always small, safe, and comfortable.

Green Dot has no religious or political affiliation. There is no cost. It is “a proven safe and effective approach to reducing power-based personal violence by teaching bystander intervention.” “Nobody can do everything… but everyone can do something.” Recently, several people from UMCA attended an online Green Dot training.  This two-hour session was easy, fun, and gave us practical information to deal with difficult situations that we could all face at some time..  If you want to talk to someone who has done the training, you can contact

Pastor Steve

Elizabeth Meid Esmeid@aol.com

Nancy Holler NanHoller@aol.com

Kay Little klittle6599@gmail.com

You can register as a group or individually.  If you are capable of joining a Zoom meeting, you can take part in the training.  In-person training will resume when the pandemic restrictions allow.

For more information or to register, go to   https://www.greendotla.org/ or
