Oliver Wendell Holmes once offered a note on worship, “There is a little plant called reverence in the corner of my soul’s garden, which I love to have watered once a week.” It was, of course, his affirmation of Sabbath, and the patterned rhythm which hydrated his soul. For many of us, the restrictive protocols and limitations of pandemic have interrupted the life-giving rhythm which nourishes the soul. Virtual church, though nourishing many, has not engaged all.
It is my joy, therefore, to announce a return to ‘in person’ worship at UMC of Auburn, beginning on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, May 30th. For the next two Sundays, Ascension and Pentecost, we will gather for the zoom service at 8:30 am and the drive-in/live-stream at 10 am, but beginning May 30, the 8:30 am service will combine ‘in person’ with zoom and the 10 am service will combine ‘in person’ with the live-stream. Hallelujah! With the revised recommendations announced by the CDC and Maine governor, we will be able to gather inside on May 30th without social distance restrictions (though masks are still advised).
Thank you for your patience in this protracted time of worship accommodations, and for your faithful offerings. As mentioned, this Sunday we celebrate the Ascension of Christ and his final words before gifting followers with the Pentecost empowering through baptism of the Holy Spirit. We would love to see you at our drive-in worship (88.3 FM) which we will long remember as a unique worship experience in the life of the UMC of Auburn story!
Please hold the family of Rev. Walter Brown in prayer. Walter, a beloved member of UMCA, passed away this week after a lifetime of extraordinary pastoral service and ministry. Methodism in Maine owes much to Walter and Hope Brown! Also, please hold Rev. Russ Peppe in prayer. Russ sustained a heart attack and is grateful for the gifted intervention of the CMMC medics who helped him. He is recovering in the care of children, requests no calls or visits, but is grateful for prayers and cards: 237 Central Ave., Lewiston, ME 04240.
I have attached to the weekly Greeting email the Worship Guide for services on 5/16, an update on “Opportunities for Mission,” and a copy of last week’s message. We celebrate with several families from our church school who will be gathering at Portland Headlight on Sunday afternoon for kite-flying (a great way to celebrate ascension!)
Much joy to you all,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA