Good afternoon parish,
God’s grace be with you mid-July! I am short of time today, so I need to be brief. This Sunday we will reflect on King David’s desire to build a temple for God. Though his son will be the one to build the temple, God is deeply touched by David’s desire to do this. Often, the ‘best invest’ is that which we do from a heart of love.
I apologize to our zoom worshippers for last Sunday’s technical issues. The internet was unstable and weak, but I believe we have resolved the problem going forward. 8:30 am worship will be both ‘in person’ and zoom, and the 10 am service will be both ‘in person’ and live-stream.
I have attached the Worship Guide, Mission Opportunities and Fall Festival update to the weekly greeting email, and hope you will spend part of your Sunday with us at UMC of Auburn!
God’s joy be with you,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMC of Auburn