Good evening parish,
Worship services on this third Sunday of Advent return to the message of preparation heralded by John the Baptist, and the promise of restoration (ingathering) of God’s people recorded in Zephaniah. When I consider the ‘heaviness’ I hear in many of the voices I encounter, I am reminded that our generation is not far removed from the generation into which Jesus was born. We, too, need good news–and the miracle is much closer than many imagine! Since many have experienced loss this year in a variety of ways, we will be offering a Blue Christmas service on Sunday, December 19th, 6 pm, ‘in person’ and live-stream. I encourage you to invite friends and family who may be struggling to either come in person or virtually.
At this Sunday’s service, we will also be lighting a candle in loving memory of member Grace Libby who passed away earlier this week. Grace has lived at Clover for the last several years. Please keep her daughter Gail Theberge and family in prayer.
THANK YOU so very much for your generous support of the Giving Tree. We will share that good news on Sunday as well. Thank you also for the dictionaries and pictionaries you have donated to aid in literacy, particularly for those learning English as a second language. Between UMC of Auburn and High Street Congregational, twelve were donated, with only three left. They are in demand, so please, keep them coming. Our Missions Committee will be focusing on winter clothing material aid as its focal project for the rest of December.
Our Youth Group will be offering a Christmas Pageant at the 10 am service on the 19th based on the Friendly Beasts. What better way to view Christ’s nativity than through the eyes of a shepherd’s lamb?
There will be two Christmas Eve candlelight services: Family service at 5 pm (in person & live-stream) and Lessons & Carols at 9 pm (in person & zoom). After services on Sunday, December 26th, I will be on vacation until January 2nd. The church office will be closed on Christmas Eve, but will be open 12/27-31.
God’s grace be with you,
Pastor Steve Bascom