Weekly Greeting: May 13

Greetings parish,

Summer is arriving a bit early this week! I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather. This Sunday we will recall Jesus’ new commandment, that we love one another. We will also revisit the story of Peter’s vision, when God revealed to him that divine grace was opening and expanding to all people, Gentiles and Jews alike. We are still learning how to open our hearts to others, discovering the gifts God has planted in the hearts of those dissimilar to us. Who knows? Maybe we have more in common than we can possibly imagine! I have attached the Worship Guide for Sunday’s services (Zoom congregation–please print the Worship Guide, as Joel will not be with us to share his screen this Sunday). I have also attached an updated ‘Mission Opportunities.’ I am grateful to Richard Gross for his worship/preaching leadership last Sunday–it gave me a wonderful opportunity to meet with UMCA’s Youth Group in the outdoor sanctuary, to speak with them about Confirmation this fall, and to share the sacrament of communion.

Following the 10 am service, UMC of Auburn will gather (in person and zoom) for a brief church conference (11:15 am) to vote on the proposal that UMC of Auburn and Calvary UMC, Lewiston be a cooperative parish for the next appointment year (July 11, 2022 to June 30, 2023), as Calvary continues to discern its way forward with City Mission. A “You May Have Questions” information sheet was emailed to the parish a week ago, but there will be opportunity for questions before a vote is taken. DS Rev. Karen Munson will preside.

Also, did you know that UMC of Auburn has scholarships available for parish participants pursuing educational degrees beyond high school? We also have financial help available for children/youth seeking musical enrichment. Please speak to Cherie Downing or myself if you have questions.

God’s joy be with you,

Pastor Steve Bascom