Weekly Greeting – September 22, 2023: Happy Autumn! 🍁

Greetings parish,
Happy autumn! I trust you are enjoying this beautiful fall weather. Allow me to give a couple of quick reminders before speaking of Sunday and the week ahead: tonight (Friday, September 22) at 6:30 pm, UMCA, Bible Study on Matthew (led by Pastor Steve/childcare provided), and tomorrow (Saturday, September 23rd) at 2:30 pm, Calvary UMC Church Conference to vote on sale of the Calvary parsonage (at Calvary UMC). All members of Calvary UMC have vote. We invite you to come early for a pizza luncheon at 1 pm to visit with Calvary friends!
On Sunday, September 24th, we will revisit Jesus’ parable, “Grace at Quitting Time,” and savor the incomparable grace of God extended to all, regardless of when we come to faith in Christ. We will also offer thanksgiving to God for the pastors and their families who have enjoyed the Calvary UMC parsonage as ‘home’ over the years. The ‘Asylum Seekers Resettlement Fund’ has been established (under the UMC of Auburn charitable status) to receive financial contributions. Thank you for giving the gift of hospitality to those seeking a better life here in the United States.
On Saturday, September 30th, 2 pm, at Calvary UMC, Calvary UMC will gather for a second church conference to vote on sale of the Calvary church building. Affirmative votes at each church conference will allow the Calvary UMC Leadership Board to put the respective buildings on the market. I do want to remind UMCA committee chairs to submit 2024 budget requests to Finance chair Marcia Hennesey by 9/30/23.
I close with a phrase of wisdom from Elizabeth Bibesco: “Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.”
Thank you for sharing the gift of yourself with me,
Pastor Steve Bascom UMC of Auburn, Pastor Calvary UMC, Lewiston, Coordinating Pastor