Good afternoon parish,
This Laity Sunday at 10:30 am worship, Lay Leader Don Malpass will preach on the greatest commandments (identified by Jesus) and their implications on our priorities as disciples of Jesus. A ‘Prayer’ Skit will also be presented, and intercessory prayers for Israel and peace in the Middle East will be offered. Attached to this email is a FAQ Sheet, prepared by the Better Together Leadership Team, responding to frequent questions about the Merger journey. Hard copies will also be available for pick-up at Sunday services. Next Sunday (10/22), a representative will be set up in the Fellowship Hall to receive further questions or concerns parishioners may have regarding the Merger between UMC of Auburn and Calvary UMC.
Our Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be held tomorrow (10/14, 7:30 am, UMCA), and a surprise 25th anniversary party will be held on Sunday (10/15, 2-6 pm, UMCA) for Carroll and Marcia Akers (all welcome). Our first Public Bean Supper this fall will be held on Saturday, October 21st, 5 pm, UMCA, and our Annual Church Conference will be on Thursday, November 16th, 6-8 pm, at Minot UMC in Minot, ME.
Pastor Steve Bascom