Weekly Greeting: September 20, 2024 – “Hello to the leaves of Autumn”

As we say good-bye to summer, we greet the falling leaves of autumn. Our first public church supper will be held tomorrow night (9/21) at 5 pm with music provided by the Park Avenue Pickers. It’s a great way to introduce family and friends to the church!
On Sunday, 9/22, Rev. Dr. Wesley Palmer, Director of the Preachers’ Aid Society, will be preaching at the 10:30 am service. He is an engaging speaker, and I know you will enjoy his message. My wife is having eye surgery this week, so I will be unavailable Monday through Wednesday (except for scheduled evening Leadership Board and SPRC meetings).
Please keep the following dates in your calendar: “Meet Bishop Thomas Bickerton,” (new bishop of the Hope Episcopal Area, comprising New England and New York conferences) Monday, 10/7, 4:15 pm (dinner) & 6-8 pm (clergy & Laity, UMCA Sanctuary) and: UMC of Auburn/Calvary UMC annual church conferences, 10/20, 2:30 pm, Lisbon UMC. All members of each church have vote!
May your weekend be blessed with joy,
Pastor Steve Bascom