October greetings parish!
The German poet-philosopher Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe once observed, “Nature is the living, visible garment of God.” Certainly, the turning leaves and beauty of a New England autumn proclaim the creativity, color and truth of that statement!
Our men’s fellowship will gather for breakfast tomorrow (10/5) at 7:30 am (UMCA), but the Monday District Day with our new bishop has been postponed due to his illness with Covid. Please hold Bishop Bickerton and his family in prayer.
Our men’s fellowship will gather for breakfast tomorrow (10/5) at 7:30 am (UMCA), but the Monday District Day with our new bishop has been postponed due to his illness with Covid. Please hold Bishop Bickerton and his family in prayer.
This Sunday is World Communion and the altar will be decorated with international breads celebrating a variety of cultural recipes. Following the 10:30 am communion service, the breads will be available for purchase donations to the High Street Food Cupboard. The NOISY Offering which will be gathered on Sunday will be designated for Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts through UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief). Thank you for your second-mile contributions to this work!
If you haven’t noticed the new fence surrounding the playground (behind the church), please do! It has two gates, so that if there ever needs to be emergency egress from the sanctuary, there is a designated path to the safety of the parking lot. Thank you, trustees!
We are in the midst of nominations season for 2025 membership of committees. If you would like to serve on one of our teams, please speak with me, and I’ll do my best to make it happen. Annual church conferences will be held on Sunday, October 20th, 2:30 pm, at the Lisbon UMC (14 School Street, Lisbon). All members of each church have vote. Also, on Wednesday, November 13th, 7 pm, UMCA sanctuary, both churches will vote on the Vital Merger proposal. Parishioners may attend in person or virtually by zoom.
I thank God for the gift you are,
Pastor Steve Bascom
Pastor Steve Bascom