Good morning parish,
As we approach the second Sunday of advent, we return to the message of John the Baptist calling the world to prepare for the coming of God’s Holy One. What might we do to get ready if we knew that Jesus would be visiting us tomorrow?
Our men’s fellowship breakfast will be held tomorrow morning at 7:30 am (UMCA). It is open to all men of the parish and their guests (if you wish to bring one). At 4 pm tomorrow (12/7, UMCA), we will offer the Christmas musical celebration “Songs and Sounds of the Season.” The program sparkles with anthems which invite us to celebrate the miracles of God’s making this year! There is no charge for the concert, but baskets will be available for a freewill offering which will be divided between the Asylum-Seekers Resettlement fund and efforts to alleviate food insecurity.
On Sunday, we will enter advent with the traditional carol, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.” Our handbell choir will share an anthem, and Kay Little’s class will lead us in the lighting of two advent candles. We will also light a memorial candle for member Thomas Pedersen who sadly passed away earlier this week. Please be in prayer for his wife Barbara and their family.
On Sunday evening (5 pm, UMCA), we will gather for a candle-lit Blue Christmas service. This is a worship encounter which helps us process ‘blue’ feelings of sadness, uncertainty and anxiety as the celebrational barometer reaches its annual high. This is a healing service which names our human experience when it feels ‘out-of-synch’ with the season.
Thank you to all who have offered pledge commitments for 2025. This helps the Finance Team prepare a realistic budget going forward. If you haven’t yet participated in this giving partnership and would like to, there are pink pledge sheets available on the Worship Guide table as you enter the sanctuary entrance.
May your day and week be blessed with meaning and grace,
May your day and week be blessed with meaning and grace,
Pastor Steve Bascom
Stephen Bascom is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Stephen Bascom is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.