Welcome to our church! We are glad you decided to worship with us this day. We are a Reconciling United Methodist Church that is passionate about serving God. We love inspiring worship services and are committed to diversity. We believe that all persons are of sacred worth.
As brothers and sisters in Christ, we covenant to follow his example of unconditional love, compassion and justice in our mission and ministry. Therefore, we welcome and nurture the full participation of people of every age, heritage, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, economic status, faith background, family structure, gender identity, marital status, race, social standing and varying capability. We strive to fully embody the mission of the United Methodist Church to open hearts, minds and doors to everybody. We invite you to worship with us knowing that you are loved exactly as you are.
Pastor Steve Bascom
Electronic editions (as available) of the Sunday Service Message delivered by Pastor Steve Bascom Sr.
The newsletter of the United Methodist Church of Auburn, Maine, including Pastor's Pen, parish notes, events, and other church news.
PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS: Mondays are Pastor Steve Bascom's Sabbath. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays he is in the office from 9:00 am – Noon. He is also available by appointment. The Parsonage Phone Number is 207-753-1275. Email: sebisk@outlook.com
The United Methodist Church of Auburn is an intergenerational Christian Community whose mission is to embody Christ’s love through a commitment to serve God by fulfilling the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of our congregation and of our local and global communities. We are part of the Many Waters District of the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church. (https://neumc.org)