Church Staff

Rev. Steve Bascom | Pastor

Rev. Stephen Bascom, Sr. grew up in a large family on a small farm in Nottingham, NH. Called to pastoral ministry from the age of 5, awakened to Christ as Savior, baptized in the Holy Spirit, Steve has served as a United Methodist pastor for 30 years in churches in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. He received a BA from the University of New Hampshire and dual-degrees, MDiv and MRE, from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1990. His wife, Jude, a talented artist, was an educator and director of theater throughout southern New Hampshire before retiring due to disability. They have three adult children: Stephen, Jr (wife, Melissa and son, Jonah), Elle and Gabe.

Carla Daigle | Church Administrative Assistant

Ryan Slocum | Pianist / Organist

Ryan Slocum began his work as the pianist/organist in the Fall of 2022, bringing with him great talent and experiences having played at several other area churches.

Caroline Coffin | Choir Director (Director of the Wesleyan Singers)

Caroline "Kary" Coffin returned in the Spring of 2023 to direct the Wesleyan Singers. Kary has directed the choir in the past, and has remained active in worship service leading music, performing solo pieces, or assisting with youth music and special events.

William Buzza | Bell Choir Director

William "Bill" Buzza has directed the handbell program at the church since 1993. Bill first started ringing handbells in the youth handbell choir at the Grant Memorial U.M.C. in Presque Isle, Maine, and has been involved in the art of handbell ringing ever since. Bill earned his B.M. degree in Music Education from the University of Southern Maine in 1993 and his M.S. Ed degree in Educational Leadership from the University of New England in 2010. Bill teaches music at Edward Little High School in Auburn, Maine and has guest conducted at various honors music festivals and Maine handbell conferences.

Cherie Downing | Christian Education Director

Cherie lives in Poland, Maine and is married to Stan (Butch) Downing. She has been a member of UMCA for more than 15 years, has sung in the choir and has served on numerous Church committees. Cherie retired after 37 years of teaching at Minot Consolidated School, including 25 years in Grade 4 and the remaining years as the Language Arts Teacher for Grades 6, 7 and 8.

Sharon Flowers | Nursery Care Provider

Sharon Flowers retired several years ago from a job she held for 23 years and moved here to Maine to be closer to her son & his family. Mrs. Flowers says "Being asked to take care of children in the nursery has made me happy, given me many hours of laughter & love. It has made me feel like a part of another whole big, loving family.

Peter Poliquin | Church Custodian

Peter was born and raised in Lewiston. He graduated from Lewiston High School. He has two daughters which are both teachers. Jennifer teaches 6th grade at St. Dom's and Nicole teaches History at Leavitt Area High School. He also has a grandson named Charlie. Peter enjoys the outdoor activities such as fishing, boating and hunting. When he was younger he participated in amateur boxing. He has been working for the UMC for 15+ years.

Members of the Leadership Team

United Methodist Church of Auburn


Committee on Nominations and Leadership Development

Roster for 2024

Updated, 12/20/2023


Church Staff/Officers/Assistants

Ministry Team: Members of the Congregation

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Russ Peppe (2023)

Pastor: Rev. Stephen Bascom, Sr. (2016)

Administrative Assistant: Carla Daigle (2020)

Lay Leader: Don Malpass (2023)

Church School Superintendent: Cherie Downing

Wesleyan Singers Director: Caroline Coffin (2022)

Handbell Choir Director: William Buzza (1993)

Park Ave. Pickers Facilitator: George Matthews

Organist: Ryan Slocum (2022)

Custodian: Peter Poliquin (1998)

Beacon Editor: Edith Ellis

Membership Secretary: Sharon McGilvery

Nursery Care: Sharon Flowers (2016)

Parish Nurse: Lucille Webber (1999)

AV Technician: Len Lednum (2020)

Webmaster: John Derouche (2020)

UMCA Facebook: Megan Spiller (2020)

Event Coordinator:


Church Council

Chair: Lucille Webber (2021)

Recording Secretary: Bruce Hall

Lay Leader: Don Malpass (2023)

NOW Representative: Donna Stewart (2023)

Christian Education: Kay Little

Missions Chair: Pat Titus (2020)

Worship Chair: Wanda Sprague (2017)

Music Co-chair: George Matthews

Finance Chair: Marcia Hennessey (2023)

Trustees Chair John Plourde (2023)

Staff-Parish Relations Chair: Kathy Gleason (2023)

Financial Secretary: Marcia Hennessey (2023)

Treasurer: Donna Stewart (2020)

Church School Superintendent: Cherie Downing

UWF President: Lucille Webber

Scout Liaison: Bruce Hall

Lay Member to AC: Lucille Webber (2018)

Beautification Team: Suzanne Plourde (2022)

Member-at-Large: Joel Irish (2024)


Calvary UMC Representative: Nancy Craig (2022/without vote)


Program Leadership

NOW Team

(Nurture, Outreach, Witness)


Steve Bascom, Co-Chair (2022)

Donna Stewart, Provisional Co-Chair (2022)

Sharon McGilvery, X, Membership Secretary

2024 2025 2026

Sharon Folker Luckie DiBello Pamela Leclair

Donna Stewart Connie Browning Gil Ross

Sandra Chamberlain Sarah Poulin Bonnie Ross

Donna Manson Pat Robichaud

Prayer Team: Janet Irish (Lead), Luckie DiBello, Connie Browning


Missions Team

(Missions, Advocacy)


Pat Titus, Chair (2020)

2024 2025 2026

Janet Irish Marcia Akers Pat Titus

Helen McKinley Nancy Craig Rosemary Malpass

Marcia Baxter Alice Bradfield

Mission Projects:

High Street Food Pantry – Ed Cormier, David MacMahon, Leroy Brown

Asylum-Seekers Resettlement – David & Mary MacMahon,

Judy Johnson (treasurer/buyer)

City Mission Board:

Steve Bascom, X, Pastor

Nancy Craig, X, City Mission Director

Auburn Members: Pat Titus, Lucille Webber

Calvary Members (4): Luckie DiBello, Pat Gardner, Yvonne Gross, Bill Reed


Christian Education Team

(Discipleship/Faith Formation)


Kay Little, Chair/Sec

Cherie Downing, CS Superintendent, X

2024 2025 2026

Larry Jordan Sue Biddle Kay Little

Megan Spiller Emily Denny Beth Woodhead

Cherie Poole Jessica Pratt Julie Farnsworth

Vacation Bible School: Cherie Downing, Director

UMYF Leader: Cherie Poole (2019)

Faith Journey Facilitators: Steve Bascom, Barbara Jamrog, Janice Meserve, Pat


Thomas, Lucille Webber

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast: Don Malpass, Joel Irish, Peter Keniston, Steve Bascom

Wednesday Online Study: Kay Little, Facilitator

Worship Team


(Prayer, Worship, Spiritual Disciplines)


Wanda Sprague, Chair (2017)

2024 2025 2026

Peter Keniston Brenda Bisson Marj Patrick

Marcy Kenison Yvonne Gross Stephanie Therriault

Wanda Sprague Kathy Gleason

AV Technician: Len Lednum (2020)

Sanctuary Monitors: Joel Irish (2021)

Worship Songleader: Caroline Coffin (2020)

Music Team

(Instruments, Choirs, Handbells)


George Matthews, Co-Chair (2019)

Scott Kenison, Co-Chair (2019)

Ryan Slocum, Organist, X

William Buzza, Handbell Choir Director, X

Caroline Coffin, Wesleyan Singers Director, X

2024 2025 2026

Rev. Joe Beardsley Beth Labrie Scott Kenison

George Matthews Judy Kuhn Carole Walker

Kim Visbaras


United Women of Faith


Lucille Webber, President

Sharon McGilvery, Vice-President

Jan Wilkinson, Treasurer

Shirley Keene, Secretary

Pat Thomas, Judy Sargent, Naomi Circle

Cherie Downing, Chris Conant, Christmas Fair co-chairs

Mission Support

Board of Trustees


John Plourde, Chair (2023)

Don Malpass, Lay Leader, X

2024 2025 2026

Tim Lander Rodney Biddle Lucien Mathieu

Gary Bain Tom Hennessey Terry Johnson

John Plourde Carroll Akers Steve Bascom


Foundation Signatures: Gary Bain, Paul Farnsworth

Beautification Committee:

Suzanne Plourde (chair), Donna Stewart, Judy Worden, Alice Bradfield

Kitchen Stewards:

Barbara Jamrog, Jan Wilkinson


Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)


Kathy Gleason, Chair (2023)

Don Malpass, Lay Leader, X

Lucille Webber, Lay Member to Annual Conference, X

2024 2025 2026

Betty Young Kathy Gleason Joel Irish

Nancy Holler Elizabeth Meid Judy Worden

Nancy Craig Lucky DiBello Yvonne Gross


Finance Team


Marcia Hennessey, Chair (until 1/31/24); Maynard Chapman, Chair (beg. 2/1/24)

Lucille Webber, Church Council Chair, X

Don Malpass, Lay Leader, X

Donna Stewart, Treasurer, X (until 3/1/24)

Marcia Hennessey, Financial Secretary, X

John Plourde, Trustees Chair, X

2024 2025 2026

Scott Efland Marcia Hennessey Bill Reed

David MacMahon Tim Worden Maynard Chapman

Assistants to Financial Secretary: Janet Irish (counter, 2021), Judy Worden

(counter, 2021)

Assistant to Treasurer: Carla Daigle (2020)

Account Signatory: David MacMahon

Nominations and Leadership Development Team

Rev. Steve Bascom, Chair, X

Don Malpass, Lay Leader, X

2024 2025 2026

Penny Price Pam MacDonald Nancy Holler

Judy Worden Sharon McGilvery Lucky DiBello


Better Together Steering Team

David MacMahon, chair, Bill Reed, Calvary co-chair

Rev. Steve Bascom, X, Rev. Nancy Bischoff, X

Betty Fake, Richard Gross, Judy Johnson, Lucille Webber



Prayer: Nancy Holler, LuckyDiBello (co-chairs)


Yvonne Gross, Cindy Harthorne, Janice Meserve

Communications: Christopher Poole, Lisa Delorme (co-chairs)

Missional Priorities: Joel Irish, Nancy Craig (co-chairs)

Sharon Folker, Cindy Visbaras

Administration: David MacMahon, Bill Reed (co-chairs)

Notes: According to “The Book of Discipline”, paragraph 244.3, the pastor is the

administrative officer of the church and, as such, is an ex officio member of all

conferences, boards, councils, commissions, committees, and task forces unless

otherwise restricted by “The Book of Discipline”. The Lay Leader is also an ex officio

member of program and administrative committees, attending as able.

X – Ex Officio

TBD – To Be Determined




Nominations & Leadership Development — 2024
Calvary UMC, Lewiston

(Updated, 11/5/23)


Leadership Board –

   Steve Bascom, Coordinating Pastor

   Nancy Craig, Lay Leader, SPRC, Lay Member to AC

   Lisa Delorme, Trustee

   Lucky DiBello, SPRC

   Pat Gardiner, City Mission, Trustee

   Richard Gross, chair, Recording Secretary

   Yvonne Gross, SPRC chair

   William ‘Bill’ Reed, Trustee

   Bonnie Ross, Membership Secretary

   Gil Ross, Member-at-Large

   Bonnie Carr, Member-at-Large

   Lucille Webber, UMCA Representative, without vote

   Carmen Thomas, Treasurer, X



   Steve Bascom, Coordinating Pastor, X

   Nancy Craig, Lay Leader, X

   Lucky DiBello

   Yvonne Gross, chair


Trustees –

   Steve Bascom, Coordinating Pastor, X

  Class of 2024 Class of 2025 Class of 2026

  Lisa Delorme                 William ‘Bill’ Reed              Pat Gardner


City Mission Board –

   Steve Bascom, Coordinating Pastor, X

   Nancy Craig, City Mission Director, X

   Calvary UMC Members (4): 

      Lucky DiBello

      Pat Gardiner

      Yvonne Gross

      William ‘Bill’ Reed

   UMCA Members (2): Pat Titus, Lucille Webber