Good morning parish,
Eastertide greetings in celebration of our Risen Savior!
Let’s begin with words from John F. Kennedy: “Only in winter can you tell which trees are truly green. Only when the winds of adversity blow can you tell whether an individual or a country has courage and steadfastness.”
All of us are weary of quarantine and its cousin, social distancing, but we can do this, and the sacrifices are reigning in the effects of this pandemic. I encourage you to draw upon the marrow of Easter renewal in the days ahead.
I hope that you will be able to join us on Sunday for our Facebook livestream service at 10 am (also posted to the church website, as we reflect on Thomas’ encounter with the Risen Savior, followed by zoom Church School at 11 am, if I am not mistaken. Also, at 2 pm, there will be a Zoom Fellowship Coffee House for those who wish to visit virtually from the comfort of our homes. The zoom app can be downloaded for free. I will send the link invitation to you in a second email. I have attached the text of Easter Sunday’s message.
The termination date for one-time use bags has been pushed to 2021, so if you have bags and/or egg carton boxes, please save them to contribute to the High Street Food Cupboard. They are in demand once again. Also, for those who wish to pick up a copy of the May/June Upper Room, Donna Manson will be at the church on Tuesday, April 21st, from 10am -12n for distribution.
Thank you for your faithful contributions and offerings. Your faithfulness and generosity is deeply appreciated during this time of challenge. Please know that you continue in my prayers. If you have prayer concerns that you wish to be prayed over during our livestream broadcast, please send them to me by 5 pm Saturday night.
May God’s grace sustain you with joy,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA