Good afternoon all! May this late summer day be blessed. This Sunday (8/30), we will revisit the story of Moses’ call at the Burning Bush in light of our own awakening to the ‘holy’ in our midst. The Drive-in Service will begin at 10 am (88.3 FM/parking lot opens at 9:30 am), but the service will also broadcast on the church Facebook page, live-stream. It will then be posted to our website,, for later viewing. The worship guide is attached, along with a copy of last Sunday’s message.
Please know that the Relaunch Team is laboring to prepare the church for a return to ‘in-person’ worship (likely beginning with the 8:15 am service for a time). Even when this happens, the on-line service will continue to accommodate those who do not feel safe with attending at this time. I will share details with you as soon as they are available.
Our Administrative Assistant, Carla Daigle (who’s birthday is September 2nd), will be on vacation this week and will return on Tuesday, September 8th. This coming week, Donna Manson will be present for office hours on Tuesday (9/1) and Thursday (9/3), if you need anything. Copies of the new Upper Room will be available for distribution at the Drive-in Service on Sunday. Currently, the church is being used six of seven days each week by scheduled groups. The Pre-school will be opening for classes, beginning 9/8, with CDC protocols in place.
With revised protocols at the High Street Food Cupboard, we haven’t been able to distribute books in our customary manner, but books continue to be distributed through a backpack program sponsored by Trinity Jubillee Center. Two large loads of books have been distributed this past week. Thank you!
Our Men’s Breakfast Fellowship group will be meeting on Saturday, 9/5, 7:30 am via zoom. Let me know if you would like an inviation link. Calvary UMC, Lewiston, will be using our parking lot for a Drive-in service this Sunday (8/30) at 4 pm. Also, the Handbell Choir is scheduled to resume rehearsals on Monday, September 14th. Thank you once more for your faithful contributions and second-mile gifts–they are deeply appreciated.
God’s grace be with you,
Pastor Steve Bascom
Weekly Greeting: August 28