Good Morning Parish!
Happy Labor Day weekend! I trust this beautiful day finds you and yours safe and well. Enjoy a gift of Sabbath on Monday!
The artist Leonardo Da Vinci once offered a brief prayer, “O Lord, Thou givest us everything, at the price of an effort…” God blesses us in many ways, but surely the abilities, imaginations and resources out of which projects and ministry grow are among them. In that spirit, I ask that each small group leader and program area chairperson gather her or his group together sometime this month to discuss how we, the United Methodist Church of Auburn, may reach out to our congregation and community at this time and season of modified practice. If you want me to set up a zoom meeting for your group, please let me know and I will be happy to oblige. Or, an in-person parking lot meeting with masks and social distancing may also serve.
This Sunday, we will focus on Jesus’ teaching regarding strategies of forgiveness and church community life. The Drive-in service will be at 10 am (lot opens at 9:30 am/88.3 FM) and will include communion. The service will also live-stream on the church facebook page and then be posted to the website at I have attached the worship guide and a copy of last week’s message. If you join us on-line, I encourage you to have elements of bread and grape juice at the ready for sacramental participation.
The Beacon was not published for September, but there will be an October issue, so if you have an article or notices to contribute, please send them to Edith Ellis at by September 10th if possible. Prayer requests and concerns may also be sent to Edith. Also, for advance planning, our annual Church Conference will be held on Sunday, November 8th, 2 pm, via zoom, with District Superintendent Karen Munson officiating.
BIG NEWS! – Upon recommendation of the Relaunch Team, Church Council voted last night to re-commence the 8:15 am worship service, beginning September 27th. This will be in addition to the on-line and drive-in services at 10 am, and will enable us to practice protocols for in-person worship for a few Sundays before weather prevents us from holding the outdoor drive-in service. The state limit of 50 or less is still in effect, so that will limit capacity of attendance. A mailing will be sent announcing the protocols that will guide our 8:15 am service gathering.
Please hold our school students, staff and faculty in prayer as they begin a new academic year, as well as our resident pre-school which starts on Tuesday with CDC protocols. Also, please keep Helen Shelton and her family in prayer, following the passing of her son this week.
May God’s grace be with you,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMC of Auburn