Good afternoon parish!
Autumn has arrived, and with it, tumbling leaves, apple-cheeked children and (soon) frost-glazed pumpkins. It sounds like we will receive rain on Monday/Tuesday–the thirsty land needs it. Phillips Brooks once wrote, “We are haunted by an ideal life, and it is because we have within us the beginning and possibility of it.” During this time when restrictions fence us in on many sides, it helps to imagine possibilities of wholeness which can be. I have some dreams which I am eager to explore with a small group in the parish who may have similar longings. If you would like to imagine the possibilities with me, please let me know and I will call us together for a conversation in October, perhaps by zoom.
THIS SUNDAY, the sanctuary will be open for in-person, early morning worship at 8:15 am. The protocols governing our time together are attached. The service will not include communion (except on the first Sunday of each month). All are welcome! The 10 am Drive-in and online service will continue as before (parking lot open at 9:30 am, broadcast on 88.3 fm, streamed live on the UMCA facebook page, with post on the UMCA website at The Worship Guide for Sunday and manuscript of last Sunday’s message are also attached. A children’s message will be included at the 10 am service, and starting next Sunday (10/4), the Christian Ed Team will make activity packets available for kids who attend.
Mary MacMahon teaches an online zoom class at 11 am (let me know if you wish to receive an invitation link), and all are invited to a Coffee Fellowship Chat at 2 pm, via zoom (link to follow). The Youth Group and other church school children will be joining in an apple-picking event on October 12th, 12 to 2 pm (with masks and social distancing, of course). The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will gather (weather permitting) for a ‘parking lot’ continental breakfast (muffins, juice, coffee) at 8 am on Saturday, October 3rd. All men are invited! Faith Journey will be starting soon on Wednesdays at 9 am. The church office is open from 9 to 12 n, M-F, and I will be resuming pastor’s office hours on Tuesdays, 9-12 n, beginning 10/6.
THANKS! – I am grateful to all of you for your faithful pledge offerings and donations, and to all who have gathered (or are gathering) their committees and small groups together to explore possibilities of ministry during this season. Please know that my prayers are with you all.
God’s grace,
Pastor Steve Bascom
Weekly Greeting: September 25