Good evening parish,
This Sunday, we will gather at 8:15 am for in person, sanctuary worship, and at 10 am for our last drive-in service (which will also livestream on the church Facebook page and then post to the church website, Our theme will inhabit the greatest commandments (love God with heart, soul and strength and one’s neighbor as oneself). Jesus had a talent for distilling the counsel of God into these two core values and priorities. The pervasive influence of love echoes from this verse by Francis W. Bourdillon: “The night has a thousand eyes, and the day but one; yet the light of the bright world dies with the dying sun. The mind has a thousand eyes, and the heart but one; yet the light of a whole life dies when love is done.”
The first Sunday of November, November 1st, All Saints’ Sunday, marks the end of daylight savings time (fall back an hour), and will also be distinguished by our first 10 am service back in the sanctuary, with CDC-recommended precautions, including masked, 6-foot social distancing. I’ll send a prescriptive update with next week’s greeting.
I want to thank all of those who have made the drive-in services possible. I don’t want to name folks, as I am sure I will inadvertently omit someone, but you know who you are. THANK YOU!! If you haven’t yet done so, please be sure to vote.
God’s grace be with you,
Pastor Steve Bascom
Weekly Greeting: Oct 24