Greetings parish!
Spring has arrived and it is beautiful outside–hope you can enjoy it!
Tomorrow at worship (8:30 am zoom & 10 am (livestream on You Tube, AUMC Facebook Page and website, fm to church parking lot), we will reflect on ‘sacrament of heart,’ God’s inscription and presence within. Combining three liturgical readings (Jeremiah 31:31-34, Psalm 51:1-12 and John 12:20-33), we will celebrate the new covenant God has made with us through Jesus’ self-offering. It is a love of substance on which we can depend. I have attached to the weekly greeting email a Worship Guide, Mission Opportunities, and a copy of last week’s message. I also invite you to join us for the Sunday, 2 pm, coffee fellowship chat on zoom.
We (UMCA) have three scholarships for undergraduate/graduate students that we deeply hope we can award this year: Hackett Memorial, Wentworth, and Wentworth Music. Often, the amount of each scholarship is $1,000. The third is reserved for a student working toward a musical degree. Two years ago, we awarded all three scholarships, but last year, there were no applications. Following donors’ intent, we truly want to see these scholarships utilized. Perhaps you have a grandchild who might be eligible! Let me know if you want an application, and I will make sure one gets to you. Deadline for applications is May 1st, 2021. There are additional scholarships available from both the New England Conference and the UMC websites.
May your first week of spring be blessed–see you tomorrow!
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA