Happy Saturday Everyone!
God’s Easter joy be with you. The early spring storm is over and Earth Day is at hand. I often think the biblical translation to ‘subdue the earth’ (Genesis 1:28), would have been better translated ‘govern the earth.’ (New Living Translation). We harm our global home when we think of it as something to dominate and exploit, for we belong to earth as much as earth belongs to us. We are stewards of earth’s health, and accountable to God for interaction with it. Having just seen some of the footage of Prince Philip’s funeral, I am reminded that earth’s oceans also require advocacy and stewardship. In what ways might we be voices for the voiceless?
Tomorrow, we continue celebration of the Easter resurrection of Christ by observing how moments of life may be good or bad, and how sometimes we do not truly recognize which is which. Easter miracles of grace are often found in such a space, and actually, that is precisely where we find the gospel message of Jesus. Services will once again be held at 8:30 am on zoom (invitation link to follow) and 10 am live-stream (You Tube, UMCA Facebook Page and website at www.auburnmethodist.org, also 88.3 fm to parking lot). I have attached to the weekly greeting email the Worship Guide(s) and Mission Opportunities. An invitation to the Coffee Fellowship Chat at 2 pm will also be sent shortly.
We have three scholarships available: Hackett and Wentworth for those continuing education beyond high school and a Wentworth Music Scholarship for young people exploring musical opportunities (music instruction, instrument, camp or education beyond high school). Additional information will be posted to the UMCA website.
We honor Indigenous Americans this weekend and welcome contributions to the UMC Connection Native American Awareness Offering. There will be a Many Waters District Resource event on Saturday, 4/24, 9 am to 12 n on the topic of “Planning for a Thriving Ministry Post Pandemic,’ led by Rev. William Chaney. I encourage you to register for the event on the Many Waters, UMC District website.
As of May 2nd, 2021, our 10 am service will return to a Drive-in Service with livestream, broadcast from the church parking lot. The 8:30 am service will continue on zoom. As of Monday, May 10th, I will have cleared the two-week precautionary period following the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Please keep parish, community, state, nation and world in prayer during this critical period.
God’s grace,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA