What a beautiful day it is, here in Auburn! Perhaps this is God’s echo to Earth Day. Tomorrow at worship (8:30 am zoom & 10 am livestream on You Tube, UMCA Facebook Page/www.auburnmethodist.org), we continue celebration of Eastertide with a focus on David’s Shepherd’s Psalm, Psalm 23. At 2 pm, I invite you to join us for Sunday afternoon Coffee Fellowship Chat, 2 pm. (zoom invitation links have been sent). I have attached to the weekly greeting email the UMCA Worship Guide, a Mission Opportunities update and copies of the three scholarship awards available through UMCA. We would love to see these awarded in 2021 and have extended the application date to June 1st.
On Sunday, May 2nd, the 10 am service will once again become a drive-in service with livestream broadcast from the church parking lot (88.3 FM). The 8:30 am worship service will continue on zoom. My wife and I receive second vaccine shots on Monday, April 26th. Please know that you continue in heart and prayer!
God’s grace be with you,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA