May Day Greetings,
God’s grace be with you as we awaken to the heart of spring renewal. I woke up to the sound of a warble as a resident turkey poked around in the backyard! There is a phrase of prose which lingers this morning, “After the storm comes a sun-drenched earth.” Regardless of the deluge, God’s Easter hope rings the tone of balance, possibility, miracle even.
This is the theme of worship services tomorrow. Jesus’ disciple Philip offers the Easter gospel to an Ethiopian treasurer in the employment of the Candace (queen). Bursting the seams of biblical restriction, the grace of God opens in an ever-widening circle of welcome. The storm of crucifixion is over, and the Easter joy of Jesus hugs the world with hope.
Our 10 am worship service tomorrow returns to a Drive-in option (along with the livestream on You Tube, UMCA Facebook page and website at The service will be broadcast on 88.3 FM and will include the sacrament of communion, with Celebration Cups to be distributed. If you are joining the livestream from another location, please have communion bread and grape juice ready. The 8:30 am service, also with communion, continues on the zoom platform. I have attached to the weekly greeting email copies of the Worship Guide, Mission Opportunity Update and last week’s message. I would love to visit with you over our Coffee Fellowship Chat tomorrow at 2 pm (zoom invitation link has been sent).
I am bringing this greeting to a close to launch the zoom Men’s Fellowship May meeting. It gives me joy to know that our next meeting, June 5th, 7:30 am, will be an actual ‘in person’ breakfast. Hallelujah! After the storm comes a sun-drenched earth!
Much joy,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA