Weekly Greeting: June 4

Good Morning Parish,

In “Three Days,” Pearl Phillips observed, “Yesterday–like a mirage spent, is past recall; its echo dimmed beyond time’s wall. Tomorrow–it never promised earthly man, nor does it often fit a plan. Today–is gold that covers hills and dell, and rich are they who use it well.”

How might we use it well? Create a memory with a friend. Breathe. Rest and read by the seashore. Tend a garden, co-creating with God. Listen. Grow God’s kingdom here on earth. Learn something new. Forgive. Send a ‘get well’ card. Work with joy. Smile. Be someone’s champion. So much to discover! And most of us, by God’s grace, have 24 hours to make it count…

I am excited about our ‘in person’ men’s fellowship breakfast on Saturday (7:30 am, UMCA), and look forward to our time together. On Sunday, we will celebrate communion at both ‘in person & online’ worship services (8:30 & 10 am). The Worship Guide and missional update are attached. Later this week, I will represent the church at the New England Annual Conference (once more offered on the zoom platform). Please hold us in prayer, as I hold you in prayer.

May your week truly be blessed!

Pastor Steve Bascom, UMC of Auburn