Happy Mother’s Day parish!
This Sunday (May 8th, Mother’s Day), I will be preaching at the 8:30 am service on Peter’s Easter experience and the resurrection story of Dorcas. I will also open the 10 am service, but exit with the children to meet with the Youth Group about Confirmation in the fall. Richard Gross (from Calvary UMC) will preach at the 10 am service on: “The Mother in All of Us.” Both the handbell choir and the Wesleyan Singers will offer anthems of joy, and Pat Robichaud will be uniting with UMC of Auburn in membership. I have attached the Worship Guide, an update on ‘Missions Opportunities,’ and a copy of last week’s message. Be sure to enjoy a piece of carrot cake after the 10 am service!
I am grateful to the scouts for giving a Saturday morning to spring clean-up at the church, and to those working with the Beautification Team who gave much of two days to the first stages of landscape revitalization. Bless you! On Tuesday, May 10th, all interested volunteers who wish to help with creating potholders for our ‘Welcome Bags’ are invited to the choir room at 10 am under the guidance of Sue Biddle. Inexperience is no obstacle. Our unit of United Women of Faith (formerly UMW) will gather on Saturday, May 14th,for a retreat at Camp Mechuwana (49 have signed up!). Please hold them in prayer.
There will be a brief church conference following 10 am worship (approximately 11:15 am, sanctuary) on Sunday, May 15th, to vote on a proposal regarding Calvary UMC, Lewiston and UMC of Auburn as a cooperative parish for the next appointment year. DS Rev. Karen Munson will officiate. All are welcome to attend, but only recorded members may vote on the proposal.
Save the dates:
- Celebration of Life for Grace Libby, 6/5, 11:30 am, UMCA
- New England Annual Conference, 6/9-11
- Celebration at UMC of Auburn for Karen Munson as she finishes as District Superintendent of the Many Waters District, 6/17, 6 pm
- Celebration for Judy Kuhn as she retires from 50+ years as a church organist, 6/26, following 10 am worship
- Vacation Bible School, 6/28-30
- Rev. Bascom Preaching at Empire Grove Vesper service, 7/3, 7 pm
- Fall Church Supper, 9/17, 5 pm
Go get ’em!
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMC of Auburn