Greetings parish,
God’s joy be with you! I invite you to join us for our public church supper tomorrow night at 5 pm (UMCA). In addition to the great food and fellowship (homemade pies), and Park Avenue Pickers, our Mission Committee will be offering a Silent Auction with over 30 items (gift cards and more).
On Sunday, our Lay Leader Don Malpass will facilitate a memorial remembrance of those who died last year in the tragic shooting in Lewiston. Our worship services will focus on the theme ‘True Greatness’ drawing from Hebrews 5. There will also be a video presentation on the work of the Asylum-Seekers Resettlement Program. Later that afternoon (10/20, 2:30 pm, at the Lisbon UMC), we will gather for our annual church conferences with District Superintendent Arlene Tully presiding. All are welcome, and all members of each church have voting privileges. I hope you can join us!
On Sunday, our Lay Leader Don Malpass will facilitate a memorial remembrance of those who died last year in the tragic shooting in Lewiston. Our worship services will focus on the theme ‘True Greatness’ drawing from Hebrews 5. There will also be a video presentation on the work of the Asylum-Seekers Resettlement Program. Later that afternoon (10/20, 2:30 pm, at the Lisbon UMC), we will gather for our annual church conferences with District Superintendent Arlene Tully presiding. All are welcome, and all members of each church have voting privileges. I hope you can join us!
I also invite you to join us on Friday, October 25th, at 5 pm for a Lasagna dinner, followed by an introduction to our new bishop: Thomas Bickerton, 6-8 pm (UMCA sanctuary). On Saturday, October 26th, there will be a video presentation by United Women of Faith (10 am to 2 pm) on the subject of Gun Violence and Prevention ($5 admission). Our Youth Group is scheduled to be traveling to the United Methodist Church of Lynn, MA to join in worship and to spend Saturday on a Heritage Tour of Salem, MA. Please hold them in prayer!
Enjoy the fall in all of its glory!
Pastor Steve Bascom