Good afternoon!
With a thankful heart, I greet you. Much hard work, talent and creativity has gone into preparations for our ‘Shop on Park Avenue’ Christmas Fair tomorrow, 9 am to 1 pm (UMC of Auburn). Thank you to all who have labored and contributed. Please invite your family, friends and neighbors. There is truly something for everyone!
On Sunday, we will celebrate a trinity of themes: Thanksgiving, Reign of Christ and Consecration of pledge commitments for 2025. Join us as we offer gratitude to God for the blessings of the year and open our hearts to the inner influence of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. It is also United Methodist Student Day, so the Worship Guide will include an offering envelope for any who wish to give toward student scholarships.
The church office will be closed on Thursday and Friday, and I will be in New Hampshire, Monday through Saturday. If, however, an emergency arises, I may be reached at c339-440-3746.
I do want to mention a couple of opportunities on the horizon of the church’s calendar. Our Songs and Sounds of the Season Christmas Concert will be held on Saturday, December 7th, 4 pm, UMCA. This is a gift to the community each year that you will not want to miss. On Sunday, December 8th (5 pm, UMCA), we will offer our annual Blue Christmas service designed for those who find themselves grieving or otherwise ‘feeling blue’ this holiday season. It is a contemplative service of healing which offers our true feelings to God in trust and grace.
I pray that your Thanksgiving will be replete with grace and gratitude, regardless of circumstances, and may your heart welcome love once more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Pastor Steve Bascom
Pastor Steve Bascom