Weekly Greeting: June 26

Good morning parish,

Welcome to summer! President Dwight Eisenhower once opined, “This is what I found about religion: it gives you courage to make the decisions you must make in a crisis and the confidence to leave the results to a higher Power. Only by trust in God can one carrying responsibility find repose.” Trust in God–not something that comes easily to those who pride themselves on being self-reliant, but an essential step of faith development which brings peace in times of challenge. Tomorrow’s message, anchored in two gospel miracles of healing, will amplify this teaching for the soul’s benefit.

I invite you to share part of your Sunday with the United Methodist Church of Auburn. Worship services are 8:30 am (in person and zoom) and 10 am (in person and livestream). I have attached a Worship Guide, Mission Opportunities Update, and copy of last week’s message for any who wish to have a copy. I look forward to beginning my sixth year with you as UMCA pastor later this week and wish you a safe and blessed Fourth of July!

Though we have much to celebrate, we are ever mindful of those who grieve. In particular, we hold those impacted by the collapse of Champlain Towers South in Miami, FL in prayer. May God’s grace guide those who are engaged in the rescue effort, those who fearfully wait for news of loved ones, and those who may yet be fighting for life.

Church Council will meet on July 8th this coming month to vote on the crafted audio-visual upgrade proposal, and our men’s fellowship breakfast will be on July 10th (instead of the third). I encourage you to remember our upcoming Fall Festival Fair, September 25th, and thank you for any contributions you may offer.

May summer 2021 be a blessing for you and your family,

Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA