MISSION FOCUS FOR JANUARY: New England Conference Mission Shares – Ministry Support. This Connectional mission share provides funding for health benefits of retired pastors, spouses, survivors, and disabled clergy (1.4%), Episcopal operations (3.3%), compensation/administrative support for 7 district superintendents (22.9%), Board of Ministry support/equitable salary compensation (6.2%), Conference administrative boards, agencies and staff (12.8%), and Connectional Mission Share (anticipated unpaid apportionments – 7.4%). UMCA’s 2024 responsibility is $17,502.
WINTER WEAR – Coats, hats, mittens, gloves, boots, etc. are most welcome and may be placed in the boxes provided in the Fellowship Hall. Contributions will be divided among area agencies.
ASYLUM SEEKER RESTTLEMENT FUND – This is a year-long mission account established to provide assistance to Asylum Seekers who are settling in the Auburn-Lewiston area. Thank you for your hospitality!
HIGH STREET FOOD CUPBOARD – Financial contributions are always appreciated, and food items may be deposited in the grocery cart in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you for your generosity! Egg cartons are also needed.
CITY MISSION is open with a weekly Sunday Warming/Cooling Center, 8 am to 1 pm, and Wednesday Dinner, 5-6 pm. Thank you, for your continuing support!
RECYCLABLES – Return deposit bottles and cans are collected in repository bins in the UMCA Fellowship Hall for redemption. 100% of the proceeds support Mechuwana camperships for UMCA and Calvary UMC children and youth. Thank you for your donations!
QUILTED LAP BLANKETS – blankets are created, donated and blessed before distribution to those negotiating a difficult time in their life’s journey. If you know of someone experiencing a difficult time, please take one and give it to them as a gift from the parish.
PERSONAL CARE ITEMS – We collect toiletries throughout the year for the Women’s Wisdom Center. Thank you for your contributions!