January 5, 2024 – Epiphany, Chili/Chowder, and Forecasted Snow?

Greetings Parish,
The Better Together Team had planned to hold a luncheon/listening post meeting after worship this Sunday (1/7), but weather concerns have altered the plan. The All-parish Chili/Chowder luncheon will be postponed to Sunday, January 14th, following 10:30 am worship, and the Vital Merger informational meeting with straw poll will be held in the sanctuary following the luncheon (approximately 12:30 pm), with zoom option. We hope you will join us! Our Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be held tomorrow morning (Saturday, January 6th, 7:30 am), and I do ask you to keep Paul and Brenda Bisson in prayer.
This Sunday combines celebrations of Epiphany and Baptism of the Lord as Jesus is shown forth to the world. We will also start the new year well by sharing the sacrament of Holy Communion. There will not be a coffee fellowship this Sunday, but Growing Deeper will still be offered. I rarely cancel worship services (unless roads are icy and/or the church lacks electricity). I do, however, trust that all will exercise discretion regarding safety of travel, and that includes folks scheduled to participate in the worship services.
In addition to the Worship Guide and Mission Opportunities above, I have attached copies of the 2024 Nominations Roster for both UMC of Auburn and Calvary UMC. Please print hard copies of these for reference throughout the year. If you can’t print a copy, you may request one from Carla Daigle, church office administrator (M-F, 9 am to 12 n).
May your first weekend of 2024 be blessed!
Pastor Steve Bascom