Weekly Greeting for March 22, 2024 – Palm/Passion Sunday, Easter Updates, Maple Mission, and More!

Good morning parish,
In the space between two storms, I thought I should send my greeting to you. Spring will return!
This Sunday is Palm/Passion Sunday. We begin with the liturgy of the palms/entrance to Jerusalem with annual selection of the Passover lamb and pivot to the liturgy of the passion/journey to the cross. It is a celebratory, yet somber service, shadowed by the events of Holy Week. Speaking of which, we will gather for a Maundy Thursday communion service on 3/28, 6:30 pm, UMCA with ecumenical sisters and brothers joining us. On Good Friday, 3/29, we will gather for a service at 12 noon, UMCA. We are also invited to join St. Michaels Episcopal Parish for their Stations of the Cross and service later in the day.
On Saturday, we will remember and honor the life of Brian Peppe at a Celebration of Life service, 3/30, 2 pm, UMCA, followed by a reception.
Easter Sunday begins with a SonRise service (6:15 am) at the Keene residence (775 N. River Road, Auburn). There will be an Easter breakfast at UMCA from 8 am to 9:30 am (donations will benefit the Pastor’s Helping Hands Discretionary Fund). Easter Resurrection services will be at 8:30 am and 10:30 am. Growing Deeper will not meet on Easter Sunday, but Church School will include a viewing of the Jerusalem display and Easter Egg Hunt. Following worship, the Youth Group will serve carrot cake and refreshments for all in attendance. Easter Sunday services will also include reception of new members to whom we say, “Welcome!”
April 2nd is the last day to sign up for the Maple Syrup Mission (benefits City Mission). Thank you to all who support this effort! Distribution will be the first weekend of April.
God’s joy be with you,
Pastor Steve Bascom