Mission Committee Updates, September 2024

Missions Committee
The Missions Committee has a lot going on for the fall
months! Our Mission focus for the month of September
is Mission Shares – World Missions. Pastor Steve will
explain this project In Mission Moments during the

We are currently working on a fund raiser for the
church in the form of a silent auction which will take
place at the October 19th bean supper. We will have an
informational half sheet handout to be given to folks at
the September 21 supper and stand up sheets on each
table with more information regarding the silent
auction. If anyone in the congregation has a gift card,
interesting item, or service that they would like to
donate to the auction please contact me at 207.208.9800
or ptpelletier@yahoo.com as soon as possible.

We will be holding a meeting on Sunday, September
29, after the 10:30 service to discuss Thanksgiving
Baskets for Thanksgiving and the Giving Tree for
Christmas as Pam McDonald and Jan Wilkinson have
handed these projects to the Missions Committee. We
welcome anyone who would like to help us with these
important projects to join us at this important meeting!
Our mission project for October will be “Boots!” In
October, the Mission Committee will help out 4
different groups/organizations with donations to
purchase winter boots for those in need. The money
collected will be equally divided among the Asylum
Seekers Resettlement Fund, City Mission, Trinity
Jubilee Center and a group called Papa’s Boots at the
Bolster’s Mills UMC. Envelopes will be provided on a
couple of Sundays in October, and you also can just
drop a check in the offering plate with “Boots” in the
memo line. We all deserve to have warm and dry feet
during the cold winter months. Thank you for your

Again thank you as always for your generous and
continuing support of the missions of the AUMC.

Pat Titus
