Good afternoon parish,
May the joy of Christ be with you! Tomorrow (Friday, October 25th), our new bishop, Thomas Bickerton will be visiting the Many Waters District, with UMCA hosting afternoon/evening events. The schedule is: 3-5 pm (Clergy), 5-6 pm (Lasagna Dinner – no charge), and 6-8 pm (Clergy and Laity both). I hope you can join us! Please keep our youth in prayer as they visit Salem, MA & Grace UMC, Lynn, MA this weekend. Also on Saturday, the United Women of Faith are hosting (UMCA Sanctuary) a livestream of the UWF Conference Program, “Gun Violence & Prevention.” There is a $5 cover charge, and it is scheduled from 10 am to 2 pm (bring a bag lunch). All (women and men) are welcome.
As we gather to recognize Reformation Sunday (October 27th), we will enjoy the baptisms of Christian and Sophie Baraka (and the reaffirmation of baptismal faith for Jenny & Paul), children of Christian and Josephine Baraka. We will also light a candle in loving memory of Michael Ellingwood (husband of Marci/son-in-law of Janice Meserve) who passed away most unexpectedly this week. Please hold their family in prayer.
Sunday’s services will focus on the restoration of sight for Bartimaeus. Our handbell choir will be playing, and the Wesleyan Singers will be blessed by the participation of Luka Mazone, cellist.
On Saturday, November 2nd, our Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will gather at 7:30 am, UMCA. Later that day (2 pm), our parish is invited to join the livestream of the Bishop’s Installation Service (accessible form the New England Conference website). Be sure to change your clocks later that evening, and don’t forget to vote on November 5th. Our Vital Merger Voting church conferences will be held on Wednesday, November 13th at 7 pm (UMCA/in person & zoom).
On Saturday, November 2nd, our Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will gather at 7:30 am, UMCA. Later that day (2 pm), our parish is invited to join the livestream of the Bishop’s Installation Service (accessible form the New England Conference website). Be sure to change your clocks later that evening, and don’t forget to vote on November 5th. Our Vital Merger Voting church conferences will be held on Wednesday, November 13th at 7 pm (UMCA/in person & zoom).
Enjoy the gifts of mid-autumn!
Pastor Steve Bascom