Greetings one and all!
Sir Harry Lauder, a Scottish singer and comic in the early 1900s, often sang the lyric, “I could tell where the lamplighter was by the trail he left behind him.” All of us influence and touch the lives of others–sometimes intentionally, sometimes not. What sort of trail do we leave behind us as we journey each day? Can someone find the love of God by following our steps of light?
We will touch on this theme in our worship service tomorrow as we begin to ‘dream like Jesus.’ I hope you will join us! The 10 am live-stream worship service will be broadcast on the church facebook page and then will be posted to the website ( for those without facebook or who wish to view it later. At 2 pm, I invite you to join us for our weekly Coffee Fellowship Chat on zoom (link will be sent in a second email).
Tomorrow night, 6 pm, on zoom, I invite you to join us for a District Many Waters service of Pet Remembrance. Many of us have lost pets over the past year, and this is an opportunity to celebrate the ways they blessed our hearts and to commend them to God’s care.
Please hold Laurie McGilvery and her family in prayer. Laurie’s Dad, Reginald Littlefield passed away earlier this week. Also, please hold Grace Libby and her family (daughter Gail Theberge) in prayer as well now that she is receiving hospice care at Clover. Joan Spitzform is recovering from ankle surgery this week, also. Our treasurer, Ken Bard, is passing the baton to Sue Macomber this week. Ken has done a tremendous job in helping to arrange the administration of our church finances and we are so much the better for it! Please send notes of gratitude to him for a job well done: PO Box 134, W. Poland, ME 04291.
I have attached the Order of Service for 6/14/20 to this email, along with a copy of last week’s message.
May God bless your day with joy and thank you for your faithful giving,
Pastor Steve Bascom, UMCA
Weekly Greeting: June 13